Sunday, June 27, 2010

The birds eye view abstracted from the bird: G 20 Toronto.

"We have willingly suspended our disbelief on strings in order to manipulate it from above."

"Riot guns with rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannons, flying wedges of heavily armored police, are not only incapable of dispersing the dark crowd, but, by inciting a phase change in the visible crowd, expand its ranks."

"The viewing public demands an image of itself."

"We can feel the changing of the tense."

"Well regulated peacetime sorrow."

"The inspector laughs because you're laughing."

[Quotes from Angle of Yaw, ---Ben Lerner.]

Saturday, June 26, 2010

a nod,

Have been much enjoying ECW's blog and notes on salvagepunk. I stumbled upon his work via this, which was also informative.

Thus tentative titles for a new verse-theory centered publication: kitsch & crumble / [symptom & solution].